Meditation Healing



For those who want to learn to work on themselves, to clear their “Karma”, in order to make a better future and become empowered.



For those who want to learn to work on themselves, to clear their “Karma”, in order to make a better future and become empowered.

Learn to journey and master a two way conversation with your spirit guide, teacher in the upper spirit world. Your teacher will help you clean your karmic load.

Learn to heal your past and ancestral karma, change your physical, mental and emotional well-being states, to change your future for the better.

Become empowered by clearing fear patterns, illness patterns, poor character and victimization suffering
Develop right brain skills with co-creative healing, to expand and evolve your world.

We are honored to share this work with you. There is a benevolent being, a teacher, waiting for you in the upper spirit world. Your spirit teacher is aware of your walks upon this earth, with all its diversity and complexity, all your ancestors, all your wondrous story.

The first time you set eyes on your spirit teacher, you will be known like never before, by anyone in this life. You will be touched by grace. By learning this work, you will travel with your teacher through cinema-graphic scenes, magnificent landscapes and compelling stories, to heal your karmic past. You will find things inside yourself and visit realities, you never imagined possible. Very few human beings have ever undertaken this journey to the spirit teacher, but those who have, have reaped rewards, unfathomable jewels of knowledge and experience, beyond measure.

Those students who have persevered to an advanced level have helped themselves, their families and the world. With this work you will be free and sovereign. You will be empowered.


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